What Does a Man Get From a Tantric Massage?

By giving his woman Tantric massage, a man can achieve what men almost never achieve even if they are skilled at all the female sitmulation tricks these days. Woman’s sexuality needs relaxation and gradual whole body expansion of arousal and that almost never happens. There is nothing out there that can compare with a well-performed Tantric massage to get a woman to relax to you completely, to arouse her completely, to open her heart to you, and to open her maximum sexual potential, including her capacity for orgasms and frequent love-making. A Tantric massage is simply the best thing you could do for a woman.

the tantra massage

By giving a Tantric massage to his woman…

  • The man can finally relax his woman completely in her arousal – something that is crucial for her full enjoyment of sex and capacity for orgasm, yet almost never happens.
  • The man can arouse her in the deepest way possible, in the way that will make her yearn and long for him with powerful receptivity, incomparable to the superficial arousal of conventional foreplay.
  • The man can give sexual healing to his woman. Most women carry sexual trauma and micro-trauma which limit their enjoyment of sex.
  • The man can give his woman a chance to make her orgasms more possible or more profound and to make them a whole body experience.
  • The man can give her the best possible sexual gift that a lover can give his woman. All women love massages, all women love a loving touch by their lovers, and this massage is the best massage they could ever dream of.
  • The man can get to see the glow and the joy of a deeply satisfied woman, her eyes full of love when she thinks “I have never had a lover like this before”.
  • The man learns to open the loving energies of his heart to your woman, the energies that will nourish him too, bring more nobility and life to his soul and more enjoyment to his sex.
  • The man discovers the world of deeper personal emotion and intimacy with his woman, not in a soppy “romantic” way but in opening the source of a genuine caring and adoring energy that fuses you with your woman so much that you can almost physically feel it.
  • The man learns to be a more creative and attentive lover through the practice of Tantric massage
  • The man learns how to keep his own excitement from over-spilling and makes himself last longer when he has sex with his woman.

By receiving a Tantric massage from his woman…

  • The man can learn to have his sexual experiences in his whole body, not just in his genitals, expanding his horizons for sexual pleasure.
  • The man can experience full body arousal instead of a very local genitals excitement
  • The man can reach much greater orgasms that resonate through his whole being.
  • The man learns to last longer in sex
  • The man learns to appreciate every moment of pleasure without getting obsessed and hijacked by rushing to orgasm.
  • The man removes tensions from his genitals, making his sexual energy stronger
  • The man learns to involve his heart more in the intimacy, opening up a new power of sex for his woman
  • The man learns how to avoid the common male problems, such as erection problems and premature ejaculation
  • The man makes his whole body more sensitive and gets more pleasure from sex
  • The man learns to benefit from his sexual energy and nourish himself with it rather than flush it away and feel exhausted