The difference between an escort and a Tantric masseuse

In the adult entertainment industry, nearly all the escort agencies or independent escorts claim that they offer ‘tantric massage’ service to client, but actually, most of them are not, they provide just a normal sensual massage with happy ending which is very different with the real tantric massage. Today we will discuss the different between escort & tantric massage.

There are huge differences between  an escort service and a Tantric massage provider. Not only are the Tantric masseuses trained in the fine arts of Tantra but she has also learned to connect with her client on a deeper, spiritual level, giving him/her a full bodied experience.

Often times an escort will rush through the appointment, aiming for a physical experience more than connecting with her client, or making sure the whole body is stimulated. An escort session finishes many times right after the sexual release is over and the client will end up leaving the escort much earlier than the time he/she had paid for. The client will end up feeling cheated of his/her money and feel resentment and guilt over the whole experience.


A Tantric massage on the other hand will last for the full hour (or how ever long the client booked for). The Tantric masseuse will go through the whole body of her client and massage away stress, anxiety bad feelings and sadness. Not only will he masseuse massage the body but she will connect with her client through eye contact, breathing techniques and through her magical touch. In a Tantric massage the sexual release will happen at the very end of the session, creating a build up of sexual energy, giving the client a full body orgasm.