
What Is Tantric Sex, Part TWO

Follow my last article about tantric sex <What is tantric sex>, here is the secound part of it.

Taki’h has an excellent and thorough program called Intimacy Journey. It consists of four parts: Emotional, Physical, Sexual and Soul Intimacy. We did the Emotional Journey in May, and now it was time for the Physical Journey. It was an interesting journey indeed, with deep depths and great heights, and Taki’h skillfully helped us to navigate through it all.

If you have read other articles from this blog, you probably have noticed that roughly there are two kinds of tantra: the traditional and original tantra, and then there’s the contemporary version of it, sometimes called neo-tantra. Tantric sex and sexuality mostly belong to the category of neo-tantra. I say mostly, because there are certain elements that conjoins these two worlds together.

Make sure you read the first part of the article first, to get an overview and understanding where all this is coming from.

Here are Taki’h’s practical instructions on how to bring the sacred into your relation. I’m sure you can feel her inspiration through these words!

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