Looking Into The Eyes Of Love…
It’s fascinating how some individuals struggle with the notion of gazing at themselves in the mirror. I’m not talking about the quick glances to check out your reflection to make sure your hair is straight and your clothes are uncreased; no, the kind of ‘looking’ I am referring to can be likened to gazing.
Many people feel really uncomfortable if someone looks at them for any length of time. It’s a bit like hugging, or standing in the middle of a group of people. You have a predetermined length of time that feels acceptable to you for each activity, whether that is hugging, being the center of attention, engaging in conversation, etc. Anything that exceeds that comfort period sends out warning bells or alarms, even if it is meant with no malice. Looking at someone for too long can be just as disconcerting as not looking someone in the eye at all during conversation.

Look into the mirror
Therefore, looking at yourself in the mirror for more than a few seconds can feel uncomfortable, particularly the first few times you do it. However, you will soon become more relaxed about it and learn to enjoy the experience. So, why would you want to gaze deep into your eyes through a mirror?
The eyes are considered to be the window to the soul and looking deep into them can help you make a spiritual connection with your inner self, and ultimately God. You will find an inner strength start to surface in your everyday life as this connection increases. You may also find that your inner self can release any issues that have been locked away, allowing you to deal with them once and for all. In fact, not only can this be an emotional experience, but it can be very cathartic too in many ways too.
You should start by breathing slowly in and out and close your eyes, allowing the breath to circulate around your body. Feel and notice how it touches on every part of the body. When you feel suitably relaxed open your eyes and gaze into the mirror and notice your outer features in an almost nonchalant and disinterested way. Close your eyes again and breathe deeply again and then open them and look more deeply into your eyes, looking for the inner nature. Accept what feelings surface and embrace them as part of your totality.
Once you are comfortable with gazing at yourself in this way, you can move onto trying it with a friend or partner. You will already have a bond or connection with this person (hopefully you haven’t just picked up someone from the street) but you may be surprised at what you learn about them when you have suspended judgments. You will both need to sit opposite each other and close enough so you can look into each other’s eyes. One thing that may strike you is a facet of that person that mirrors your own. It may be a facet of yourself that you were unaware of previously, but being aware of it will make it more personal and meaningful. Always thank your loved one for their co-operation and expansion of love after it, folks.
Fiona, TMG