Tantra Positions of Love Making
To enjoy the pleasure of Tantra you’d better learn some Tantra style love making position & tricks. You will benefit from this post, I’m sure.
The posture of the bow

tantra sex position
The woman lays on her back, and her basin will be lifted with the man’s help. Her lover sits between her calves, crosses her legs placing her feet on his chest and then penetrates her deeply. Embracing his beloved and supporting himself with his knees and fingertips on the ground, the man can move easily both passionately and at a slow but firm pace. The intimate contact is very deep and because of the woman’s position (the vagina decreases greatly in size in this position), the man can reach her cervix. For this reason, the woman can live the cervico-uterine orgasm in this position, a type of orgasm that few women can experience.
This sexual posture greatly amplify the sexual and vital energy and therefore it is indicated both at the beginning of the amorous intercourse (in order to engage the sexual and vital potential) and towards the end, when both lovers feel the need of a revigoration of the vital force.
The method of the Great Bee
There is a less applied in the Western world, but extremely powerful form of sexual intercourse performed with continence known in the Indian tradition as the Method of the Great Bee.
Reversing the conventional order, this posture is approached only by the couples who go beyond certain limitative patterns and who want to live intense and very deep states of orgasm, being approached mostly by the couples in which the woman feels free and powerful, due to her “dominating” position in this posture.
In this erotic position, the woman, after she helped her lover completely lay down on the bed or a mat, sits on top of him in the squat position, on his thighs and firmly tightens her calves after she introduced his lingam sufficiently deep in her yoni. Supporting herself with her arms against her beloved’s chest, she will perform up-down, left-right movements, in order to let herself penetrated as deeply as possible. Rotating her basin as largely as possible, she enchants her lover to the maximum and intensely enjoys it herself too.
If she feels that the pleasure tends to reach a climax which could be controlled with more difficulty, then she stops and focuses along with her lover on the lifting (sublimation) of the energies. Also, for a better control, both lovers should breathe deeply and to hold the breath in retention on the full, action that will greatly facilitate the process of sublimation. The pace of the woman’s movements should be kept under control and to be in agreement with the man’s power to control his sexual energy.
The approach of this position may be demanding for the woman, especially if the muscles of her thighs and calves are not well trained. Therefore, in this case, it is indicated for the woman to practice daily for a while certain exercises for the strengthening of the leg muscles such as, for example, knee bending exercises. This will allow her to easily maintain this erotic posture for a longer period of time.
None of the two lovers must forget that, if they do not make an effort of will, the pleasure of the one we love will not be satisfied. To this end, the woman must almost always pursue to contract the vaginal muscles, holding and excitingly massaging the man’s potent organ. The Tantric secret texts sustain that this can only be learned through a perseverant practice and it is accomplished excellently by sending the mysterious power of will towards her intimate muscles: “By doing, she must repeat mentally the name of the God of love, Kamadeva, to get into deep communion with the energies of the erotic happiness that lies within his huge sphere of force.”
Also, the man will have to be extremely careful to control the sexual energy, since this erotic posture triggers a very strong energy that, for someone inexperienced, could lead to ejaculation and, therefore, an appropriate training is required. The man can stop the woman’s movement for a short period of time when he feels he approaches the non-return point or he may induce her the appropriate pace in order to control the energy by holding her basin gently, but firmly.
This erotic posture favors the awakening of the Kundalini energy, due to the energetic dynamism that it engages, thus leading to completely special inner experiences. We know from the yoga practice that the awakening and ascending along the spine of the fundamental energy of Kundalini Shakti, is an important step in the spiritual evolution of the practitioner. Thus, making love with transfiguration and continence can be considered a real help in the evolution of the human being on the spiritual path and, even more than that, in the case of those who have native predisposition for this, a spiritual path in itself.
The embraced posture
The woman lies on her back with her legs crossed up in the air. The man penetrates her passionately and carefully. The position of the woman’s legs contributes to a good control of the vaginal muscles and enables her also to move so that their sexual organs to remain united as deeply as possible. For the man, this posture can be a delight when the woman knows and applies the art of the vaginal muscle contractions.
This posture greatly enhances the sensuality of the two lovers, allows them to look each other in the eyes during their erotic intercourse and thus to feel the other’s each feeling, pleasure and love. The two lovers may feel once with the fusion that takes place at the physical level, the subtle communion between their souls that takes place within the amorous sexual intercourse with continence.
The Tantric tradition indicates this posture to be approached in the starting phase of the erotic act as it greatly triggers and amplifies the sexual energy and implicitly the passion and the amorous effervescence.
The man must be very careful to control his sexual energy, because the very intense sensations of pleasure can make it more difficult to maintain the sexual continence. The woman may feel empathically her beloved’s feelings, and if he is in the beginning phase of the sexual continence she may adjust her movements so as to help him control his sexual energy as well as possible. It is important to notice that there are women who have such a great vaginal muscle control that they can block the man’s ejaculation through a sufficiently strong contraction of her vaginal muscles.
The Union of the Sun and the Moon- YAB-YUM position

The Union of the Sun and the Moon- YAB-YUM position
A Tantric position by excellence, it has the advantage of facilitating (as well as the “squat” positions) the control of the sexual energy.
The man is sitting in the lotus posture (PADMASANA) or a variant of this posture for those who are at the beginning and cannot approach it. Holding his spine straight the man gets the woman in his arms while introducing his lingam in her yoni, and she sits on him holding him by the shoulders and crossing her legs around his torso, letting herself penetrated with voluptuousness. Due to this detail, this posture that the woman adopts is called “the action of the liana”: latasadhana. A highly sensuous woman, who loves her lover dearly and desires him with much love, can easily live the cervical-uterine orgasm in this posture, the most profound form of orgasm that can be experienced by a woman. The position of the erect lingam in this sexual posture allows it to penetrate right into the cervix, which leads to the experimenting of some exceptional orgasmic states in the two lovers. The woman will thus “swallow” the two extremities of the penis. Ejaculation can be successfully stopped in this way. The woman has an active role during the realization of this sexual position; she can balance her pelvis back and forth while she powerfully squeezes her lover’s lingam by contracting the vaginal muscles. In this posture, the sexual organs have a good contact, which allows the woman to be penetrated very deeply.
This posture also allows you to meditate together and in this way to integrate meditation within your amorous intercourse. Thus, the erotic intercourse can easily become a way of spiritual ascent, giving you the opportunity to live together states of amorous ecstasy.
Position for a deeper penetration

Position for a deeper penetration
Many couples prefer the positions with penetration from behind (the dog posture). The most famous is the posture in which the woman kneels on all four members and the man penetrates her from behind. The advantage of this posture for a woman is that she is able to experiment a deep penetration and an excellent stimulation of the G point.
The man is also pleasantly impressed with the movements of his beloved’s back and buttocks. In this position he can hold her breasts and massage them gently, touch her clitoris and stimulate it by caressing, or perhaps hold her thighs, realizing thus a deeper penetration. The movements of “come and go” and the circular ones can be done by both lovers and the penetration can be slow and covering the whole depth, or in force, both being extremely exciting for both woman and man.
Couples can also adopt other sexual positions of deep-penetration, for example the position in which the woman is turned with her back at him sitting on top of his thighs, or when she kneels on the bed or lets herself penetrated by his erect penis. Other variants which enhance the pleasure can be adopted by both lovers using imagination, for example, if the man sits on a chair and his beloved sits on top of him with her back at him, or both lovers are under the shower, etc.
But a maximum of pleasure does not necessarily result from a maximum of erotic stimulation. Oftentimes a couple can get more pleasure out of the postures in which they engage less sexual power but more emotional energy, when they kiss or hug. The penetration from behind when both lie on the same side, like two spoons stacked in a set, is also very romantic. The woman turns her head towards her lover who kisses her with love, while he comforts her breasts with one hand and her clitoris with the other. In this position, their bodies have the largest area of contact, which brings a plus of pleasure and joy.
The pressed posture

The pressed posture
The woman first lays on her back, and then she gradually raises her legs and finally places them on her lover’s chest. The contact of the woman’s soles on the skin of her lover’s chest is extremely enjoyable and creates a feeling of intimacy. This posture produces a powerful compression that leads to the contraction of the vaginal muscles and the decrease of the size of the vagina, making possible, in the case of a perfect compatibility, for the sensations of pleasure felt by those two lovers to become very intense, leading to easily achieve the prolonged orgasm.
A variant to this posture is the Half Pressed Posture, in which the woman lays on her back, and then she gradually raises her legs. Then she stretches one of her legs, and she maintains the other one supported with the sole on her beloved’s chest, as in the case of the pressed posture. The posture offers more freedom of movement than in the case of the previous one. It can be approached in a polar way, meaning stretching first the left leg and then the right one. The perceptions will be much different, thus noticing the successive dynamism of the yin and yang energies during the amorous fusion.
The posture of the tiger walk

The posture of the tiger walk
To perseveringly make love with continence and transfiguration also gives us the time and opportunity to feel the act of love-making more intensely. By practicing this posture, which is a secret Taoist method of making love only with continence, virility is largely increased, the man’s amorous power grows, and the manifestation of “the hundred sufferings” is prevented.
At first your lover leans forward on her arms and on her knees, sits with the buttocks raised provokingly, and with her head down. Her lover then kneels behind her, loving holding her waist. Slowly, his lingam will be held by her yoni in a yearning embrace. A secret revealed by the traditional Taoist treaties say that it is very important that the lingam penetrates as deeply as possible, then alternates each five superficial kicks (movements), with eights deep strokes. Completely holding his seed, the man must continue in this manner until the woman’s yoni contracts and expands spontaneously, releasing the wonderful essence Yin in abundance. In the end, the two lovers must relax deeply and be aware of the full impact of this delightful posture for a period of 45 minutes.
The posture of the turned Dragon

The posture of the turned Dragon
The happiness of a human being who loves is also the joy and the pleasure of the other human being who lets herself/himself be loved and loves without measure in return. Practicing this posture, with sexual continence, will make the woman experience a complete fulfillment and a great happiness, and the man attain a state of flourishing health, due to the disappearance of a hundred “sufferings”.
The woman first lies on her back while the man comes on top of her, supporting his knees on the bed. She lifts her basin, and he gradually enters his lingam into the happiness giving yoni, while he caresses her breasts, arms, shoulders in ecstasy. Her lover begins to move slowly and rhythmically, alternating thus two deep amorous blows (movements) with eight superficial ones. The movements must be made by the man, with strength and force. Always controlling his seed, his lingam is introduced into the yoni when it is not completely erect and withdrawn when still it is very hard.
The Posture of the Butterfly élan

The Posture of the Butterfly élan
The almost complete understanding of the two perfectly continent lovers who adore each other and transfigure each other incessantly, makes without doubt appear an extraordinary peak of happiness. Love games can express this happiness more delicately than any poems through that intimacy that exists between the souls and bodies of two lovers.
For the practicing of this posture, which is in itself a wonderful game, the man sits on an armchair with his legs spread. His lover then comes on top of him hugging his thighs, facing him. Her feet firmly rest against the armchair. She is the one who has the initiative, moving delicately for a while, then switching to more vigorous movements, leaning at the same time in his arms. The lover can teasingly play with her yoni above and on top of her lover’s body.
The posture of the apes in the third month of spring

The posture of the apes in the third month of spring
The woman keeps her legs slightly apart, then she leans far forward and supports her palms on the ground or on a chair. Her lover, who is standing behind her, tenderly embraces her waist with both hands. Then he slowly slides his lingam into her welcoming yoni, penetrating her with deep strokes, bringing her for multiple times on the verge of orgasm without him losing his seed. In this posture, he can hold and gently massage her breasts, caress her clitoris or can hold her thighs, getting thus to a deeper penetration, as well as to an excellent stimulation of the G spot. Both lovers will be surrounded by waves of energy crossing their bodies from head to toe, experiencing thus an ineffable, sublime pleasure.
The glorious posture

The glorious posture
“I am he, you are she. I am the eternal Feminine for him, he is the Absolute Masculine for me, I am the Earth, you are the sky. Let us unite as frenetically and profoundly as possible with the help of amorous continence and to achieve thus the perfect bliss of the divine lovers.” Follow this urge! Practice this posture through which the force of Shiva supports the infinite love of Shakti.
At first, the man sits on the bedside, and the woman sits down facing him sorrounding his waist with her legs and she tenderly circles her arms embracing him around his neck. Then, with great tenderness, the man introduces his virile lingam into his lover’s scented yoni. Rising gently from the bed and powerfully supporting his lover, he places his forearms and palms under her hips, and she remains with her feet sorrounding his waist or she can support her feet on the edge of the bed.
Practicing this positions requires some physical force and stability from the man to be able to support his lover and to engage her in the amorous intercourse. This posture is extremely exciting for both lovers and, therefore, it is necessary for them to perfectly practice sexual continence during the act of making love.
The elephant posture

The elephant posture
In this amorous posture, similar to the tiger walk posture, the woman lays on one side, offering her lover an exciting vision of her YONI, of her sensually arched back, and of her appealing buttocks. She and her lover can both approach this posture by both lying on one side, for example on the left side where her right knee is bent. Her lover rounds this posture by coming on top of his lover’s body, putting his right leg between her thighs (the woman’s right thigh is above the man’s right leg) and bending like an elephant; with the lower part of his back pushed further in, he enters the mysterious realm of his lover’s YONI. Her lover introduces his LINGAM, entering the “gate of ecstasy”, while his lover encourages him with seductive movements. This allows the man to perform an easier penetration and to have an exciting perspective of the woman’s YONI. The man comes down on his knees, controlling and tenderly but frenetically adjusting the pace and the depth of his movements (strokes), tempering his dynamic force when he slides into the “silky cave” of his lover’s YONI in order not to injure her. In this union, the woman’s YONI firmly squeezes the man’s LINGAM, leading him gradually towards the sublime amorous ecstasy.

The elephant posture 2
The woman may also initiate this posture initially leaning on her arms and on her knees, as in Tiger walk posture. Both lovers will descend then at the same time in the elephant posture, being intimately and erotically united.
In another variant of this posture, the woman will stretch her right leg (in our example) over the man’s right leg, to experiment with a richer range of profound erotic experiences.
In the amorous postures with side penetration, the elephant posture is one of the most pleasurable for the woman because it favors a deep penetration and the stimulation of the cervix, thus facilitating the experiencing of some deep and delicious erotic states of cervical-uterine orgasm. The man can be very attentive to his beloved so that by moving her upper buttock (right hip) to reach the most sensitive area of her YONI, concentrating thus on the pleasure she experiences in the cervix. In addition to the exciting deep strokes that he realizes, the man can caress his lover with very much tenderness throughout the body, back, breasts, thighs, intensifying even more the orgasmic experience. The posture can be done symmetrically (both sides), balancing in this way the circulation of the subtle erotic energy in the body, for as a complete and fulfilling amorous experience as possible.
The splitting of a bamboo posture

The splitting of a bamboo posture
The splitting of a bamboo posture is one of the many amorous postures revealed in Kama Sutra; it resembles the posture of the great opening. In the splitting of a bamboo posture, the woman lies on her back and raises only one leg (the left leg in the picture), placing it on her lover’s shoulder, who comes down on his knees, embracing her left leg, while her right leg remains lying on the bed. Then, she will place the other foot on her beloved’s shoulder, while she will bring the left leg down.

The splitting of a bamboo posture 2
Her lover touches, through wavy movements of his hips, new depths in the area of “pure pleasures” inside her YONI, arousing refined experiences of pleasure in her, which will embrace her with an endless sweetness. He looks at her full of fondness; in dizzyingly pleasant forms of her body he can see the secret embodiment of her fulfilled sensuality..
The woman can carry out a series of alternative movements with subtle beneficial echoes in this posture, consisting in the alternate lifting of one leg or the other on her lover’s shoulders, so that in the balance of these movements it is created a cycle of stimulation of the subtle energy circulation for the two lovers, both capturing thus, during the practice of this posture, an increased occult benefic power; the woman will reach thrilling states of pleasure which will impregnate the depths of her being and the man will also feel deeply and empathically his lover’s erotic feelings.

The splitting of a bamboo posture 3
If they want to perform this posture without the alternative movements, she keeps only one of her legs raised; they will be able to approach a variant of this posture. Thus, the woman, with a considerable flexibility, can stretch out on one side, having one of the legs still raised (which she will set on his shoulder analog to her leg – in our case his lover’s left calf supports on his left shoulder), while he comes in at an angle perpendicular to her (she being turned with her back to her lover), above the lower thigh of his lover (in our example, the right thigh). This new posture is called “the leg suspending posture” or “the square rule”.
The erotic carousel

The erotic carousel
The famous oriental writing Kamasutra, says that in some situations it is recommended that the woman takes an active role, which generally is performed by the man during lovemaking. It is even indicated that at least once during lovemaking, the woman is the one who should take the initiative. The Kamasutra presents two ways in which women can take an active role: either she is the dynamic one from the start or at some point, she goes on top of the man without interrupting the lovemaking. Also, the oriental erotic treatises speak about the active role of the woman in lovemaking when she is the initiator for her lovers, teaching them the mysteries of perfectly controlled pleasure or, better said, the secrets of sexual continence.
The love posture “erotic carousel” is one of the most exciting sexual positions. It can arouse strong and intense feeling of passion and, also, to generate a state of introspection that leads to states of implosive orgasm, fully lived deep inside.
The man lies down on his back and she sits on top facing away from him, leaning on her feet, holding a vertical trunk. She moves up and down with refinement and sensuality.
This position gives the woman a great freedom to manifest. She can search for specific penetration angles that favor the erotic stimulation of specific areas and will insist on them as much as she desired, then changing the position of the pelvis to switch to other desired areas. Inside the YONI there are various such areas that arouse specific erotic feelings and the woman is able, using this position, to be fully aware of them and enjoy their specific experiences in abundance. For example she can first focus on the dynamic frantic stimulation of the G point, and then she can move so that she experiences states of cervico-uterine orgasm. Sometimes for the more intense stimulation of the G-point the woman usually lays back fully, on the man’s chest – a variant of this love position is the one in which the woman lays completely on her back, letting him move. For a deep stimulation of the cervix, she may use sets of rhythmic and sequenced movements back to front.
The man is a visual nature and the sight of his lover in these situations (especially the one in which he can see her back) will certainly arouse a state of elevated passion. He will enjoy the sensual and lascivious dance-like movements and words can express his admiration through transfiguring words full of erotic flavor. They will intensify his lover’s erotic feelings, who will respond with large, undulating and languorous gestures.
By approaching this position, the two lovers will follow in unison to enhance the state of passion, which they will gradually sublimate seeking to live in unison states of implosive orgasm. The woman will pay attention to be very careful, both to her states and her lover’s. She will help him to more easily control the sexual energy, and if the man is perfectly continent, they will mutually enhance the states.
This posture may contribute to the attainment of a state of deep introspection during lovemaking, and will help the man realize what is happening inside his being and to increasingly refine the sexual pleasure, allowing him an ever better control on the erotic energy and its sublimation. This state of attention and introspection facilitates the understanding of the complex mechanisms of transmutation of the creative potential and sublimation of the erotic energy.
In conclusion, the posture “carousel erotic” is recommended both to the couples who learn about sexual continence, and to the couples who want to deepen their love experiences.
Dancing on your lover’s lap

Dancing on your lover’s lap
Motto: “In love, you should always give your heart, in advance and with self-sacrifice, to win the other’s.” by Vivienne
This position is a variant of the “open posture” presented in the oriental text KAMA SUTRA. The posture proves even more of its qualities under this form when the woman lifts her legs supporting them on the man’s shoulders.
The lover will sit comfortably in a spacious armchair lightly lifting his knees with the help of a pillow placed under his thighs. His lover will sit on his knees, letting herself slide into his lap and leaning her back against his lifted knees. She will bend her knees, placing her ankles above the man’s shoulders, until they come to rest on the back of the armchair.
Her lover will help her in her movements towards him, holding her thighs and pulling her towards him, while her legs support on the back of armchair, with a rhythmic pressure.
Her movements have an original sensuality, free, wild, and full of light from inside, that her lover cannot have enough of. He has the supernatural feeling that her sensuality is endless, her movement seems, in an occult way, eternal, that every nuance of it, generated by this unfettered pleasure, has another sensual tempo.
In this position, communication through the eyes is of an overwhelming tenderness and the man can admire and caress the woman’s body, bathed in the visual pleasure offered. The tenderness of the touches will enhance the sensuality and voluptuousness of her movements, otherwise quite space conditioned.
The woman will be in total control of the angle and depth of penetration. She will lead her lover’s lingam towards the cervix, sharing together the great and perfectly controlled pleasure.
The posture of the Relaxed Arch

The posture of the Relaxed Arch
“Those who know the art of YIN (-) and YANG (+) in making love can mix the five pleasures (aroused by the five senses), making a very deep and long celestial bliss out of them. Those who ignore this art will die emaciated and entrenched in prejudice, without ever knowing the real amorous lust of boundless love.” (Significant passage from the Taoist wisdom) by Jofiela
For those couples who successfully merge the games of YIN (-) and YANG (+) energies in their act of making love, while also maintaining control of these energies fully enjoying their orgasmic energies that are triggered, the posture of the Relaxed Arch will become one of the most delicious postures always ready to gratify the intensity of the amorous feelings and also the love and intimacy between the two lovers.
At first the man sits on the bed with his legs straight. Then the woman gets closer to near him on her knees and offers the privacy of her YONI to the adored and erect one. When this position is comfortable for her, the woman arches her back slowly but without creating any tension in the lower back. She puts her head on the bed between her lover’s legs and holds his ankles or feet with her hands. The man’s hands will gently but firmly hold her lower back, this helping the “dance” of their movements full of lust. In the happiness of love, the woman will be deliciously surprised by her lover when he, bent over her womb, will enjoy the ripe fruits of her breasts.
For those exuberant and eager to taste the novel sensuality of this posture, the simple but persistent training in acquiring the necessary flexibility will be fully rewarded. Even a few minutes of making love in the posture of the Relaxed Arch will be memorable and will have extraordinary effects. The posture allows the stimulation of the anterior wall of the vagina so that all the pleasure points located in this area will receive a special “treatment”. The woman’s G-spot is caressed passionately and gratified by the relaxed Arch of Love for its “healing” and full of bliss virtues.
“Live intensely, deeply and fully each present moment as if it was the last, because in reality, every time, there and then, that moment is the first and the last, because it is absolutely unique and unrepeatable.” (Gregorian Bivolaru,”Essential amorous secrets for yogi couples who aspire to be happy “, 2006)