Great demand motivated me to list down numerous Tantric massage parlors, presently running in the city of London. This is not a marketing endeavor on my part, nor am I advocating for any of them in this article; I am just sharing contact data, which I have obtained.
List & info Updated: Jul 26 2021

Get a nice tantric massage in London
Click here in case you desire to gain knowledge on the way Erotic Tantric massage parlors operate. As usual, there may be diversity in your mileage.
Below is my latest list of London erotic tantric massage parlours information.
Lust Tantric Massage
The latest Erotic massage shop I know is Lust Tantric. It is being launched only this month in the Marylebone area of London. The staff here consists of at least one spectacular lady who has prior experience in the city’s tantra massage industry.
Tel: 07423260068
Another shop that has recently come up is 7th heaven, comparatively speaking. This place has achieved numerous great accolades, although I do not know it well. If one was to judge by the pictures, as far as appearance is concerned the staff is beautiful!
Tel: 07585877798
Eros has existed for some time and has acquired the repute of high standard and reliability in regard to rates of service as well as sexy professional staff. Lisa and Anna, who are the latest girls, I have met them in person, real photo, fabulous!
Tel: 07741857381
Another chic place available is WINKS. It is situated in central London and you are truly in the right place here. Marie and Kittie are extremely ravishing and the rest are a sight to behold as well! Do you doubt me?
Tel: +44 (0)20 7118 7118
Peachy (Closed)
Peachy is a place which is dependable and the staff is somehow large. Each person has their preferred place and for most people, this spot appears on their list.
Tel: +44 (0) 7956682266
Karma Tantric London
Karma Tantric massage is a new tantric massage agency specialise in providing different type of sexy massage you’re in the mood for, from the more traditional Classic Tantric, to Japanese Nuru Gel and Aqua Bubble bathing rituals, our unique sensual massages are designed to free your mind and invigorate your body.
Tel: 02078983212
Asian Fantasy is very aptly named. The staff they have rate high in the United Kingdom. Majority of the ladies working in this Erotic massage Parlor in London are lovely; however, this place appears to be a leader in connection to appearance, compared to others.
Tel: +44 (0)777 660 8681
Cloud9 Massage
Although they are an erotic massage agency, they do offer a competitive tantric massage service when compare with other tantra massage providers in London. Cloud9 London is still another standard in this bustling city which never rests! It is not really unique; however, it cannot be faulted either. The London has a lot to offer (when compare with other part of UK, at least) and it is simple to fit in to the surroundings.
The good news for Cloud9 is that they present some really spectacular ladies on staff, such as the delectable Cindy and Avril. It is possible that their staff doubles in number to a lot of other joints as well. This signifies enhanced selections in case you turn up when your best option is occupied.
Tel: +44 (0)7518 409 462
Embrace Massage
I do not know London Embrace Massage very well; however, it appears to score highly with others familiar with it.
Tel: + 44 (0)7582 221 786
Tantric Paradise provides great service also and its long range of experience has earned it wonderful standing. Its staff consists of a huge number of sexy women!
Tel: +44 (0)7918 113 143
Unlike its name, Asian Mystic London is not a blowjob bar (these things are not found in London). No, this is one more tantric massage parlor situated in Marylebone area. Crystal and Miranda provide a wonderful erotic tantra massage service.
Tel: +44 (0)7423 091 696
That’s my list for 2015. It’s not inclusive, but I hope you’ll enjoy it. I don’t know when I’ll be assembling another.If it wasn’t clear before let me repeat that I don’t advocate or suggest anything on this website, which is intended for nothing more than entertainment.
As far as my knowledge goes, this is it. In case readers are aware of spots I left out, kindly leave me a message and I will update the list/
Who Is Osho?
Osho, also known as Rajneesh or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was an Indian mystic and a spiritual master who had a big influence on the sexual tantra movement all around the world. He’s known for his controversial talks and strong statements about topics that many consider taboos.
I wanted to write something about him, but I did not quite know where to start. I have read some of his books, but I couldn’t quite grasp the ideas – as they seemed controversial to me.
Last weekend I attended a couples’ tantra workshop with Hariprem and Kaulika. They are both Osho Sannyasins and Hariprem has been living in Osho’s ashram when Osho was still alive. I got the idea to ask Hariprem and Kaulika what kind of person Osho was, and what he meant to them. Read more
Yoga Nidra Helps you to Sleep Better
One of the best ways to relax is the yogic practice of Yoga Nidra. In this article I will explain what it is and how it works – and of course encourage you to start already today!
You may wonder what this has to do with tantra – what this blog should be about… Well, letting go of tension and relaxing the body and mind is an important aspect of any practice, but there’s even closer tantric connection here.
Where does Yoga Nidra come from?
The concept of Yoga Nidra is ancient. It means a type of conscious or psychic sleep, where the practitioner is fully relaxed but staying aware at the same time. The practice was probably not known by this name until Swami Satyananda Saraswati from Bihar School of Yoga started to popularize it in the 70’s. He tells a story where he had learned some Vedic mantras while seemingly fully asleep, when the students of a school had been reciting them early in the morning. So he started to explore the topic closer, and later on wrote a book about Yoga Nidra. Read more
How to Orgasm – The number one reason why it’s not happening
Just a few days ago the main newspaper in Finland published a long article about research on orgasms. The article is called “Big O” and I think it’s wonderful that these kind of topics get to mainstream news! If you read Finnish, you can find the article here.
The research was done with the readers of the newspaper, and they got more than 7 000 answers from women (and some 1 500 from men). The researcher says “Nothing like this has been collected before. The answers are experienced, lived, and globally exceptional material in their width and depth.”
More than half of the women reported they have difficulties orgasming.
When the women were asked what’s the main reason for not having an orgasm, there was one difficulty that clearly arose above the rest. Read more
7 Things That Make Tantric Yoga Different
Yoga is said to be a set of physical, mental and spiritual practices that originated in ancient India. However, yoga as we know it today has only existed for a short time. The ancient type of yoga was developed and practiced with a completely different mindset and worldview.
Let’s have a look at some of the ideas behind traditional tantric yoga!
Tradition – tried and tested for thousands of years Read more
Can a Man Really Become Multi-Orgasmic?
Can a Man Really Become Multi-Orgasmic? During my 5 years practicing of tantric massage & tantra sex, I get asked this question a lot. For the record, the answer is Ohhhh Yes!!! From the tantric perspective, orgasm is not a goal or completion of sex, but rather an aroused physical and emotional state that literally can be experienced throughout one’s entire being. The longer one lingers in this aroused state of excitement, the more energy and life force they can absorb and radiate. A man may have multiple orgasms without ejaculating and yet actually feel energized in the afterglow. As a woman, I can only tell you that it’s extraordinarily satisfying to be with a man who can continue to ride wave upon wave of pleasure with me. It creates a deeper and profound feeling of union.
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A Run down of London Tantric Massage Parlours 2021
Great demand motivated me to list down numerous Tantric massage parlors, presently running in the city of London. This is not a marketing endeavor on my part, nor am I advocating for any of them in this article; I am just sharing contact data, which I have obtained.
List & info Updated: Jul 26 2021
Get a nice tantric massage in London
Click here in case you desire to gain knowledge on the way Erotic Tantric massage parlors operate. As usual, there may be diversity in your mileage.
Below is my latest list of London erotic tantric massage parlours information.
Lust Tantric Massage
The latest Erotic massage shop I know is Lust Tantric. It is being launched only this month in the Marylebone area of London. The staff here consists of at least one spectacular lady who has prior experience in the city’s tantra massage industry.
Tel: 07423260068
Seventh Heaven Tantric Massage
Another shop that has recently come up is 7th heaven, comparatively speaking. This place has achieved numerous great accolades, although I do not know it well. If one was to judge by the pictures, as far as appearance is concerned the staff is beautiful!
Tel: 07585877798
Eros Erotic Massage
Eros has existed for some time and has acquired the repute of high standard and reliability in regard to rates of service as well as sexy professional staff. Lisa and Anna, who are the latest girls, I have met them in person, real photo, fabulous!
Tel: 07741857381
Another chic place available is WINKS. It is situated in central London and you are truly in the right place here. Marie and Kittie are extremely ravishing and the rest are a sight to behold as well! Do you doubt me?
Tel: +44 (0)20 7118 7118
Peachy (Closed)Peachy is a place which is dependable and the staff is somehow large. Each person has their preferred place and for most people, this spot appears on their list.Web: +44 (0) 7956682266Karma Tantric London
Karma Tantric massage is a new tantric massage agency specialise in providing different type of sexy massage you’re in the mood for, from the more traditional Classic Tantric, to Japanese Nuru Gel and Aqua Bubble bathing rituals, our unique sensual massages are designed to free your mind and invigorate your body.
Tel: 02078983212
Asian Fantasy London
Asian Fantasy is very aptly named. The staff they have rate high in the United Kingdom. Majority of the ladies working in this Erotic massage Parlor in London are lovely; however, this place appears to be a leader in connection to appearance, compared to others.
Tel: +44 (0)777 660 8681
Cloud9 Massage
Although they are an erotic massage agency, they do offer a competitive tantric massage service when compare with other tantra massage providers in London. Cloud9 London is still another standard in this bustling city which never rests! It is not really unique; however, it cannot be faulted either. The London has a lot to offer (when compare with other part of UK, at least) and it is simple to fit in to the surroundings.
The good news for Cloud9 is that they present some really spectacular ladies on staff, such as the delectable Cindy and Avril. It is possible that their staff doubles in number to a lot of other joints as well. This signifies enhanced selections in case you turn up when your best option is occupied.
Tel: +44 (0)7518 409 462
Embrace Massage
I do not know London Embrace Massage very well; however, it appears to score highly with others familiar with it.
Tel: + 44 (0)7582 221 786
Tantric Paradise
Tantric Paradise provides great service also and its long range of experience has earned it wonderful standing. Its staff consists of a huge number of sexy women!
Tel: +44 (0)7918 113 143
Mystic Tantric Massage
Unlike its name, Asian Mystic London is not a blowjob bar (these things are not found in London). No, this is one more tantric massage parlor situated in Marylebone area. Crystal and Miranda provide a wonderful erotic tantra massage service.
Tel: +44 (0)7423 091 696
That’s my list for 2015. It’s not inclusive, but I hope you’ll enjoy it. I don’t know when I’ll be assembling another.If it wasn’t clear before let me repeat that I don’t advocate or suggest anything on this website, which is intended for nothing more than entertainment.
As far as my knowledge goes, this is it. In case readers are aware of spots I left out, kindly leave me a message and I will update the list/
The difference between Tantra Therapy and Sexual Freedom
Tantra therapy does not mean sexual freedom, but they do has something in common. Sexual freedom is extremely important and it involves freedom of choice and freedom from oppression, shame, guilt and judgments for all persons engaging in their sexual expression. If their expression impedes or imposes in any way on another person then this cannot be sexual freedom. This I feel is an important dictum as very often-sexual freedom is taken as freedom of sexual expression in all its shapes and colors without thought of anyone else. Perhaps this is non conscious sexual freedom expression but can be traumatizing for people to experience and re-traumatizing and very representative of an original sexual wound perhaps as a result of sexual oppression which gives rise to the desire for sexual freedom in the first place.
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Tantra and the COVID 19 Pandemic
What does tantra have to do with the current viral pandemic? What for that matter is tantra? These talks will attempt to reflect on what tantra might contribute to our thinking about the COVID 19 pandemic, to our response to it. Read more
Guide to Tantric Sex
My first pop-culture encounter with tantric sex was—like so many other “edgy” sexual practices, from threesomes to fetishes—during a “SATC” episode. The women attend a tantric sex workshop in which a white-haired woman massages her elderly, blissed-out husband, who, after some buildup, ejaculates into the air and … onto Miranda. Educational? Sure. An accurate depiction of tantra? Not so much, according to my sources.
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A Tantric Masseuse on Sexual Healing
“Having positive sexual energy in your life is really good for you and everyone around you,” says Rachel. She’s the woman my friends keep calling their “sexual doula,” and I’m here at her West Village apartment slash work space to find out exactly what that means.
Rachel, a West Coast transplant with a degree in psychology, is a tantric masseuse. Her job, in her own words, “is to help people reach their full capacity for pleasure.” It’s sex work, but with a healing twist. Her clients come to her with a range of goals, from exploring their sensuality to overcoming the trauma of sexual assault. Read more