Have you enjoy the pleasure about tantric massage? The tantra is not only about the pleasure , tantra means lots more…
Why study sexuality? Isn’t it just natural? Instinctive?
Yes, in biological terms, sex for procreation is instinctive. But human sexuality is much more: by going beyond sexuality as a physical act and exploring the energetic level of sexuality we can go high in pleasure, deep in love, and moreover discover sexuality as a doorway into expanded consciousness and spiritual experience.

Precisely because it is this doorway, a direct path to experience the divine, and moreover to find the divine within ourselves as we experience oneness, sexuality has been demonized by those religions and their priests that have usurped that position of offering access to god and have exploited the power this position endows. Our birthright of experiencing our connectedness energetically with creation and with our potential as creators has been stolen from us, and the illusion of our separateness created to keep us small, isolated, in fear and therefore manipulable. We have learned to feel shame around our bodies and our sexual pleasure, to feel guilty about experiencing pleasure, or even to see it often as sinful, for example when exploring the sensations of our own bodies and our capacity for excitement. For over two millennia our culture has been predominantly anti-exstatic and anti-pleasure.
This leaves a huge inheritance of sexual wounding, repressive attitudes and moral judgments to heal, so when we begin our personal sexual healing we are also taking on the healing of the collective. Even our present, post sexual revolution culture cannot conceive of sexuality as a spiritual path, and prefers to associate tantra with orgies.
Post Freudian psychotherapy recognizes different stages of sexuality: ocular, oral, anal and genital. Each stage can be blocked in terms of the healthy development of the individual by our energetically illiterate society, so in the training we revisit each stage to complete that phase, both grounding sexuality into the total life experience of the individual, and integrating these steps into a balanced personality. The ocular stage is complete when the individual feels bonded, at home on this planet as a human with other humans, and fully incarnated in his body. The oral phase becomes complete when the individual feels trust in the universe to meet his needs, not so much in material terms as in supplying experiences that lead to learning and growth. The anal phase is about becoming an individual who can stand on his own feet, enjoy the tension of challenging authority and be in the I – thou relationship. Reich regarded the genital character, with his ability to discharge his tensions, as already healthy, but tantra guides you through two more stages of sexual development: the whole body sexuality, where the sexual energy is spread throughout all the body, creating a defocused, goalless, holistic sexual experience; and energy body sexuality, where the sexual energy leaves the physical level and is experienced primarily in the energy body, creating the possibility of shamanic journeying, ecstatic out of body experiences, and an approach to the world of spirit.
Learn more about Lingam massage
The energy body is not a concept that is known in our culture, and we have to turn to Tantric and shamanic practices to find out about it. Through suppressing, ignoring and deriding this ancient wisdom, our culture keeps our knowledge limited to the physical-material level of existence. The experience of the energy body’s existence and perceptions turns those mysteries of life – love, sex, how relationships work, health, religion in the sense of connectedness, spirit – into everyday reality that one can clearly perceive, follow, and respond to.
Conventional western sexuality has one goal in mind, that of orgasm. The orgasm is experienced as a pleasurable discharge of energy accompanied by a feeling of relief and relaxation. It lasts on average between 8 and 12 seconds.
Tantra has a different approach. Tantra argues that the experience of orgasm comes from tension, as the expanding sexual energy encounters barriers of tension in the pelvic floor muscle which limit that expansion. The solution to this impasse is the discharge of the energy and the temporary release of the muscular tension as the pelvic floor, the psoas and in men the scrotum go into convulsion. Tantra invites you to relax beforehand, to relax into the energy, so that as it expands it meets no barrier around the sex, and begins to spread into the legs and belly. If the diaphragm is kept relaxed it can flow into the heart, and if the membrane at the base of the skull is relaxed (the jade gate is open as the Taoists say) then the sexual energy meets with consciousness, opening the way for ecstatic experiences. Moreover, the energetic expansion need not stop at the limit of the skin: it can continue into the energy body, nourishing and cultivating our identification with ourselves as a light or energy being.
Without the goal of discharging, our usual ambiguity towards our sexual energy – we want it and at the same time we can’t wait to get rid of it – is resolved, and the sensation of fear or anxiety that is created by the tension in the muscles is healed. The experience becomes one of being in the sexual energy rather than doing something with it. Our sexuality becomes one with our aliveness, with our awakeness, our trembling with the experiences of life. As we go deeper into our sexuality instead of releasing it we discover more nourishment and satisfaction. We become more interested in quality, rather than quantity. Moreover, our sexuality is not expressed merely genitally, but becomes part of our general aliveness, intelligence and creativity in all our contacts.
Step One: the Return to Innocence
- Understanding the stages of our sexual development – oral, anal, genital, holistic – and allowing our growth to continue where it has been interrupted
- Healing shame and guilt and learning to love and honour our bodies as the sacred temple of our spirit.
- Increasing the amount of pleasure in our lives so our base is fullness not neediness, generosity not calculation, so that our sense of self is based not on having boundaries, but rather on our freedom to respond.
- Learning to take responsibility for our own sexual pleasure rather than be dependent on others.
- Expanding our sensitivity, our openness and our techniques for receiving and giving pleasure.
- Connecting sex and heart.
Step Two: sexual healing
- Healing massage for the genitals, yoni and vajra, to heal old wounds and increase sensitivity and the ability to relax into excitement.
- Deep pelvic massage to release tension and fear in the first chakra, and establish a base of aliveness and pleasure in one’s life.
- Recognising and communicating one’s wishes (sexual communication); being in touch with inner reality and with a partner simultaneously.
- Exploring the dance between the physical body and the energy movements of excitement and expansion, pain and contraction, and letting the pelvis become a vehicle for pleasure.
Step 3: Giving and receiving pleasure.
- Learning to relax into excitement, and experience sexual pleasure as a state of being, without performance anxiety, goalless, and stressfree.
- Learning to experience the pleasure potential of the minus poles of our sexuality – the G spot for women and the prostate point for men.
- Using blended stimulation to experience whole body pleasure and orgasm.
- Balancing the stimulation of the plus and minus poles of our sexuality to experience prolonged states of pleasure (valley orgasm) and energy body orgasm.
- Learning to follow energy without preconceptions, letting go of expectations.
- Healing negative beliefs and claiming pleasure as our birthright.
- Surrendering to ecstatic energy.
- Raising the sexual energy into the heart and spirit centres.
Enjoy the pleasure of Tantra
How to enjoy your life? – enjoy love. how to enjoy love? – enjoy love making. How to enjoy love making? – learn the secret of tantra sex….Today , I would like to talking about making love with tantra positions…
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The difference between an escort and a Tantric masseuse
In the adult entertainment industry, nearly all the escort agencies or independent escorts claim that they offer ‘tantric massage’ service to client, but actually, most of them are not, they provide just a normal sensual massage with happy ending which is very different with the real tantric massage. Today we will discuss the different between escort & tantric massage.
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The begin of the Tantric Massage qath
Tantric Massage guide aimed to help people learn about tantra and tantric massage, and help everyone who wants to experience tantric massage in London find a proper massage therapist.
J. Ram Sivananda, co-creator and producer of “The London Tantric Massage Guide” website, has an extensive background in psychology, martial arts, ancient philosophies and other traditions.
He experienced a breakthrough in his spiritual practice about 30 years ago after a near death experience. He has successfully managed to weave together the tantric traditions of Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shamanism, while developing and inventing advanced computer technology systems.
Working as a scientist and engineer for many years, he trusts and believes
in the metaphysical world which is much more elusive, but no less true and real.
J. Ram says, “I manifested Chandi after a series of failed relationships with incompatible women who took me away from my path. In my past relationships I had merely ‘settled’ for the women I got involved with, but this time, I was very specific about what I was looking for in a partner, and set my intention on finding the Goddess I had been seeking for a lifetime.
The fact that Chandi and I manifested each other is an attestation to the power of meditation and tantra practices.
These methods of focusing clearly on what you desire are the magic of tantra yoga. It allows you to manifest your deepest desire. Through this practice you can change your life.
This is a powerful ancient yogic practice that is still as effective today as it was thousands of years ago. It is our sadhana (practice)and we feel it is our dharma (duty) to share this knowledge with aspirants who are prepared to receive these gifts. If these words don’t ring true to you, this path is probably not for you.
The Universe contains physical energy (physics), the study of phenomenological reality, but there exists an equally powerful and concrete metaphysical reality. The practice of tantra yoga allows the aspirant to tap into this metaphysical reality.”
J. Ram Sivananda and Chandi Devi? reside in London, UK.
Osho, Kama Sutra, Sex
Osho, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was known worldwide as the “sex guru”. Till today he still has the dubious reputation of being the “sex guru” and yet, he himself said he was the most “anti-sex” person in the whole world. He believed in the sanctity of love and monogamous sex between a man and his wife. He was anti-church, anti-religion, and anti-pornography, blaming them for all the perversion and abnormal obsession with sex that exists.
Priests and religious leaders, he said, repress sex, and the anti-priests (those who sell sex via magazines, etc.) make sex more glamourous. Although they appear to be enemies, in fact, they are the flip side of the same coin. They are one and the same. Osho said when religion disappears, pornography will die with it.
Osho advised we should have a sexual relationship only when we have a loving relationship. When love and sex become associated then the energy starts moving upwards to a higher center. When we make love with one person that energy stores and builds up taking the couple to powerful and profound heights.
Osho was a prolific writer, who authored more than 200 books, yet the only book people talk about and remember is the one about sex. He was so way ahead of his time, he was persecuted like many saints before him. His teachings were so misunderstood and misinterpreted, that governments considered him “dangerous”.
The Kama Sutra has for centuries been associated with kama sutra positions, yet only about 20% of the entire treatise is dedicated to sex. The text is addressed mainly to the wealthy sovereign living in the city, giving detailed information how to live ethically, enjoy the arts, and have an erotic lifestyle. Although polygamy was practiced, the author, Vatsyayana,a Brahmin, believed that sex should be a sacred act practiced between one man and his wife. He stressed that living a life of virtuous conduct did not have to undermine erotic pleasures.
Hopefully, true understanding will someday replace the misconceptions about sex, and someday sex will be accepted as a natural function of life that does not need to be feared, condemned, sensationalized or commercialized.
Read Osho’s Wiki
Jyotish, the Ancient Vedic System of Astrology
The Sanskrit term “Jyotish” is derived from the root “joti” meaning “light” and “isha” meaning “god”. Thus, it means the science of light- the light within each of us that is a microcosm of the light of the universe.
This science of light was divinely revealed to the rishis, or sages, ten to twenty thousand years ago, and passed on orally for generations. Later they were finally transcribed and became an important limb of what has been called the world’s oldest scripture, the Vedas. The study of Jyotish is an integral component of tantric practices, along with repetition of the mantra, worship of the Goddess and the initiation by the Guru.
Jyotish is the science of self-realization through which everything becomes known. While Western astrology is extremely beneficial for analyzing character and personality, the Vedic system is an amazingly accurate and predictive science that reveals everything imaginable, from mundane to spiritual, from sexual to cerebral, from past lives to future incarnations.
The Jyotish chart is a blueprint of our karma resulting from our past lives, showing how that karma affects our current life. It reveals to us our tendencies and talents, our weaknesses and strengths, our abilities and attachments, everything that affects our body, mind and spirit, and when, where, when, and how events are likely to occur. More importantly, Jyotish offers remedial measures, such as gems and mantras, not only to minimize or to improve the negative aspects of our charts, but to correct and even alleviate any adverse planetary influences. Vedic astrology provides us with tools to confront our demons and also indicates the best times to successfully undertake our pursuits.
Tantra is a holistic art that weaves many threads of knowledge into a vibrant tapestry. The tantra aspirant would benefit by having some knowledge of Vedic Astrology, for this is a blessed gift to us from the ancient rishis and the Universe.
Essential Oils for Tantric Massage
For balancing your chakras, I highly recommend the use of our high quality Essential Oils. We carry the finest essential oils that money can buy, we use these essential oils ourselves for everything from insect bites, to sexual/sensual massage, to meditation. Anointment of these oils on our chakras and vital points brings us a sense of well-being and calm among other things. I have practiced aromatherapy and have used Essential Oils for years now, for just about everything. I really love it, and would and could not offer it to you if I did not believe in its validity 1000%!!! They are truly the finest oils available.
If you have not really used essential oils for health, healing or erotic tantric massage, I would highly recommend a starter kit A, with 12 of our most popular oils, our starter kit B , consisting of 12 additionally popular scents, or our largest kit starter kit AB , consisting of 24 vials, so that you can experiment with the many different scents.
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Diksha by a True Satguru
A famous Satguru from India will be giving individual personal healing sessions and diksha sessions.
Guruji is not only a self-realized Master by Birth but also a very powerful Cosmic & Tantra healer, the like of which is difficult to find elsewhere in today’s times.
In the Cosmic Healing sessions, Satgurudev heals the person at a very high level, thereby erasing a large part of his karma. This healing massage has a holistic effect, benefitting the person physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually. The person’s environment, circumstances etc. all are benefitted immensely. This healing has a long term effect and the benefits are sometimes carried forward even to the next birth. The energy used by Satgurudev is drawn from very high sources, sometimes from other galaxies. This he is able to do because of his unmatched high psychic powers.
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… The Satguru has enormous healing powers comparable only to the most powerful spiritual persons. He is also an adept in the tantric sciences and has been healing people through the traditional methods of mantras and yantras. He is a very powerful telepathic healer too, and it takes him only a few seconds to heal people anywhere in the world.
· Are you looking for a powerful and faster healing system for yourself and others ?
· Are you suffering from any physical, emotional or spiritual ailment without proper cure from other systems?
· Are you interested in getting more mind power and success in life?
· Do you want a powerful healing in the privacy of your home?
· Would you like to know how your past lives are affecting your present life?
· Would you like to protect yourself and your family from evil psychic attacks of others?
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The Healing Power of Erotic Punishment
The psychological backgound
Many of us are brought up by their parents using the method of withdrawal of affection. We have done something wrong, we may not even know what, or been somehow not good enough, and the response from our parents is disappointment, disapproval, the withdrawal of active expressions of love. This can be quite subtle, the parents would probably deny that they are punishing the child, but to the child it feels existentally threatening. The child feels a fear of abandonment, emptiness, a lonely ache in the belly and in the first chakra. The nourishing life force of love and approval has been cut off.
The child longs for contact, a reconnection with acceptance and life. It longs to be given energy again. But what energy is possible when it has been bad, has been a failure? Anger, punishment is the only credible contact. And, although fearful, even this is better than the nothingness, the deadness of being cut off. So, trembling, the child desires what it fears: a punishment in the form of contact, to receive the anger directly where the empty aching is, in the first chakra. This is not so much a desire for pain as a longing for an intensity of contact, intense enough to feel met in one’s (“bad”) self. Part of the desire is for the intangible, confusing, psychological punishment to become tangible, clear and physical. If directed to the first chakra, the bottom, the existential punishment is transformed – the message is “you are there, you are worth getting angry with” – and the gift of energy is received with a surge of sexual aliveness. Vague feelings of guilt are purged from the body in the sexual area where they are located and one feels purified, renewed, grateful for a new start.
People often get interested in the BDSM scene because it addresses their unconscious desires without revealing them. (Some people seeking bdsm experience from private mistress or escort services) The use of fetish gear, leather, rubber etc. can play an important role in coming out with these inner desires, stepping through fear and secrecy and feeling a sense of identity in belonging to a new “family” in the scene. Dressing in fetish gear can disguise and compensate for childhood feelings of shame and vulnerability. The child’s feeling of humiliation is often acted out, but if the desires are not connected to their roots then healing is not possible. Instead we repeatedly act out these desires – pleasurably, but without healing, so that each time hunger is appeased but the spirit not nourished and we soon feel hungry again. When desires stay unconscious in their origins, even if given space and permission in BDSM rituals, they can often acquire an obsessive compulsive character.
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Sexual Healing and Pleasure
Have you enjoy the pleasure about tantric massage? The tantra is not only about the pleasure , tantra means lots more…
Why study sexuality? Isn’t it just natural? Instinctive?
Yes, in biological terms, sex for procreation is instinctive. But human sexuality is much more: by going beyond sexuality as a physical act and exploring the energetic level of sexuality we can go high in pleasure, deep in love, and moreover discover sexuality as a doorway into expanded consciousness and spiritual experience.
Precisely because it is this doorway, a direct path to experience the divine, and moreover to find the divine within ourselves as we experience oneness, sexuality has been demonized by those religions and their priests that have usurped that position of offering access to god and have exploited the power this position endows. Our birthright of experiencing our connectedness energetically with creation and with our potential as creators has been stolen from us, and the illusion of our separateness created to keep us small, isolated, in fear and therefore manipulable. We have learned to feel shame around our bodies and our sexual pleasure, to feel guilty about experiencing pleasure, or even to see it often as sinful, for example when exploring the sensations of our own bodies and our capacity for excitement. For over two millennia our culture has been predominantly anti-exstatic and anti-pleasure.
This leaves a huge inheritance of sexual wounding, repressive attitudes and moral judgments to heal, so when we begin our personal sexual healing we are also taking on the healing of the collective. Even our present, post sexual revolution culture cannot conceive of sexuality as a spiritual path, and prefers to associate tantra with orgies.
Post Freudian psychotherapy recognizes different stages of sexuality: ocular, oral, anal and genital. Each stage can be blocked in terms of the healthy development of the individual by our energetically illiterate society, so in the training we revisit each stage to complete that phase, both grounding sexuality into the total life experience of the individual, and integrating these steps into a balanced personality. The ocular stage is complete when the individual feels bonded, at home on this planet as a human with other humans, and fully incarnated in his body. The oral phase becomes complete when the individual feels trust in the universe to meet his needs, not so much in material terms as in supplying experiences that lead to learning and growth. The anal phase is about becoming an individual who can stand on his own feet, enjoy the tension of challenging authority and be in the I – thou relationship. Reich regarded the genital character, with his ability to discharge his tensions, as already healthy, but tantra guides you through two more stages of sexual development: the whole body sexuality, where the sexual energy is spread throughout all the body, creating a defocused, goalless, holistic sexual experience; and energy body sexuality, where the sexual energy leaves the physical level and is experienced primarily in the energy body, creating the possibility of shamanic journeying, ecstatic out of body experiences, and an approach to the world of spirit.
Learn more about Lingam massage
The energy body is not a concept that is known in our culture, and we have to turn to Tantric and shamanic practices to find out about it. Through suppressing, ignoring and deriding this ancient wisdom, our culture keeps our knowledge limited to the physical-material level of existence. The experience of the energy body’s existence and perceptions turns those mysteries of life – love, sex, how relationships work, health, religion in the sense of connectedness, spirit – into everyday reality that one can clearly perceive, follow, and respond to.
Conventional western sexuality has one goal in mind, that of orgasm. The orgasm is experienced as a pleasurable discharge of energy accompanied by a feeling of relief and relaxation. It lasts on average between 8 and 12 seconds.
Tantra has a different approach. Tantra argues that the experience of orgasm comes from tension, as the expanding sexual energy encounters barriers of tension in the pelvic floor muscle which limit that expansion. The solution to this impasse is the discharge of the energy and the temporary release of the muscular tension as the pelvic floor, the psoas and in men the scrotum go into convulsion. Tantra invites you to relax beforehand, to relax into the energy, so that as it expands it meets no barrier around the sex, and begins to spread into the legs and belly. If the diaphragm is kept relaxed it can flow into the heart, and if the membrane at the base of the skull is relaxed (the jade gate is open as the Taoists say) then the sexual energy meets with consciousness, opening the way for ecstatic experiences. Moreover, the energetic expansion need not stop at the limit of the skin: it can continue into the energy body, nourishing and cultivating our identification with ourselves as a light or energy being.
Without the goal of discharging, our usual ambiguity towards our sexual energy – we want it and at the same time we can’t wait to get rid of it – is resolved, and the sensation of fear or anxiety that is created by the tension in the muscles is healed. The experience becomes one of being in the sexual energy rather than doing something with it. Our sexuality becomes one with our aliveness, with our awakeness, our trembling with the experiences of life. As we go deeper into our sexuality instead of releasing it we discover more nourishment and satisfaction. We become more interested in quality, rather than quantity. Moreover, our sexuality is not expressed merely genitally, but becomes part of our general aliveness, intelligence and creativity in all our contacts.
Step One: the Return to Innocence
Step Two: sexual healing
Step 3: Giving and receiving pleasure.