The teachings of Tantra hold the keys to turning sensual pleasures into truly delightful, rapturous experiences, when all your senses are aroused to work at the maximum capacity and perceive the finest nuances of erotic enjoyment. Delicate and sophisticated, Tantric pleasures is the next level of sensual luxury, unparalleled and truly outstanding erotic experience.

Set your mind at ease!
As a follow-up to last week’s blog on why tantra is such a great choice for those of you who are looking to enjoy an erotic massage for the first time, we’ve decided to write another article dedicated to dispelling your concerns regarding nowadays tantric massage services in the world. In this week’s blog, we’d like to answer some of our frequently asked questions to help those of you who are new to sensual massage.
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The Importance of Touch
In our so-called permissive society, in which most of our senses are so richly catered for, it is amazing that the sense of touch is ignored. This has sadly come about because, over the centuries, touching others has come to be seen as having a sexual connotation.
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Common questions about Massage for women
We’ve received alot of emails ask about questions about ‘massage for women’, it seems that it is a misunderstanding that Men could and should have massage but women seems not suppose to get a massage (especial sensual / tantric massage)…it is wrong! Men and women are equal, everybody deserve to enjoy a nice massage. Below is a common questions & answer about Massage for women by Akane.
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Various Aspects of Tantra
by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
Translated by Gavin Kilty. Prepared by Michael Lewis.
Printed in From Tushita, edited and published by Michael Hellbach, Tushita Editions, 1977.
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Tantra in the East – origins and today
I came across a “Tantra in India” page online today …. This is more to do with the Tibetan and Hindu spirtual Tantric Paths to enlightenment but I put this page up to give those interested a deeper insight. I see Tantra as a blissful connect of myself with the universe and the world around me. It’s an opportunity to take some time to relax from modern stresses of daily life and be at peace with myself and the world. I found some of the text here amusing as one Tantric path claims to be better than another…perhaps a sign of human egotism that has no place in Tantra at all.
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Sexual continence and Tantric Massage
Why does everyone want to have orgasms?
Because it is very nice? Of course! … But why do we feel exhausted at the end? Because no matter how happy we are during the common act of intercourse with ejaculation, we all become sad and exhausted afterwards…
What if instead of living this orgasmic happiness for 1 minute we could extend it to 30 minutes or several hours?
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I have a problem keeping an erection. Will tantric massage help?
One day, I received an email from website: I have a problem keeping an erection. Will tantric massage help?
First of all it’s great when men ask questions like this. Too many men suffer in silence with this problem. Unnecessarily. It can be devastating on a man’s feeling of self-worth and wreak havoc on a couple’s sex life. Speaking about it openly is the first step to sorting it out.
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You, Sex and Sexism – the politics of massage
During a fascinating conversation with one of our regular clients about sex and sexism in the massage business, Rob (not his real name) made an interesting observation.
Rob observed that although he thoroughly enjoyed massages from women his best massages had always been from men and he couldn’t understand why it seemed more difficult to find professional, reliable male therapists. Rob added that it wasn’t anything sexual he wanted from his massages. He simply preferred the greater and more sustained pressure men were able to apply during a 60 or 90 minute session.
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What is Tantra about ?
Tantra literally means a tool for expansion. In spite of the Eastern terminology, Tantra is an easy concept to grasp. At it’s heart is the knowledge that a powerful current of energy flows through us all, which needs to be harmonised.
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Tips to convince your partner to try Tantric Massage
Tantric massage may be a bit of a mystery to you, but that is no reason to ignore it. You could be missing out on an amazing experience. But isn’t tantric massage all about sex? Well, no actually. It’s all about developing close relationships with ourselves, our partners and an energy in the universe. Sexual energy is one of the most potent energies that can open gateways to altered consciousness. It’s also a pretty good way to enjoy intimacy with a partner. And you get a massage thrown in for free – bet that got your attention!
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